Friday 22 February 2013

The surreality of being...

So today was (and still is) the big day.  I have mentioned, on many occasions, the nagging feeling that this must all be a dream but early this morning, having packed the better half off to work, I picked up my hire car and drove out to our new house.  I put the key in the door, open it, and stepped inside.  Every day being here seems more real and each little step we take forward brings the reality of life in New Zealand closer.  Walking into the house was a big step to waking me up from the dream.  I suppose this week has gone by in a daily grind of job applications and searches, followed by mentally disconnected walks along the harbour, and just entering the a house we could now call our own was a concrete indicator that we are actually living here.

I could bore you all with how wonderful the house is (very tempted to).   To tell you the truth, at the moment, it's a little cold and empty as it is completely unfurnished.  However, I'm sure you will agree the views from the balcony compensate for any other short comings. (Check out the panorama at the end of the blog.)  We have started furnishing it anyway.  I got to do my man-lego building with a flat pack dining table and chairs which was delivered this morning.  There should be a bed arriving later.  We will, very quickly, turn it into a home and not just a house.


Having justified my manhood and assembled one table and four chairs I took a short wander down to the parade (shops, cinema, cafes, bars, takeaways etc...) at the bottom of the hill.   I then enjoyed a stroll along the sea front and watched some Variable Oystercatchers feeding on the water line whilst eating lunch.  The walk back up to the house is steep but not too long (should keep me fit).  I arrived back day-dreaming.  I think I have almost mentally adjusted to being a Wellington resident, especially as I am now day dreaming about the future and not just marvelling at being here.  On that philosophical note I shall leave you with my favourite quote - you can decide for yourself how dangerous you think I am.

"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." - T. E. Lawrence



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